Taylor and John Robert || Bradfordsville, KY Wedding Video

It is hard to believe in less than a month the 2021 wedding season begins for me. Last year the wedding season also began in March. Taylor and John Robert had a small wedding right before the coronavirus lockdown began. It would be another three months before I shot another wedding. John Robert had two sisters that also got married this year and I was lucky enough to shoot them. You will see clips from their videos later in the year. The thumbnail of this video is one of my favorite shots I think I have ever taken. You can see the bride and the groom, but also you can see all of the mothers behind them with their Kleenex’s out. There was also a silhouetted shot of them in a covered bridge that I used for the thumbnail of my 2020 wedding reel. This was also the first wedding held at the newly built Bradfordsville Baptist Church and it was great to be there for such an occasion. This wedding took place about 10 minutes from my house, which is so convenient. There is nothing better after a day of shooting and then you can get home that quickly.

As I am waiting for the start of the 2021 wedding season I am continuing to work on my animations. One is nearly done (probably in the next few weeks). I have another, smaller project that has not been shot yet. I am still working out the kinks in it. This is the perfect time to be working on animations. We are expecting two winter storms this week, so it doesn’t look like we will be leaving the house much.

First wedding of the year and first time in the new Bradfordsville Baptist Church.

Video: ACE Videography

Photo: Sarah Childers

DJ: Bobby Fogle (DJ Psykho)

Ceremony: Bradfordsville Baptist Church

Reception: Bradfordsville School Community Building


Hilarie and Will || Lebanon, KY Wedding Video


Morgan and Jacob || Lebanon, KY Wedding